Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Active Reading-Magical Realism: Chapter Two

Pig Tail: The pig tail is magical realism because that is something out of this world. Humans don't have pig tails and to have a pig tail is something out of a fairy tale or something, which usually involves magic and witches and such.

Prudencio Aguilar: Prudencio Aguilar is murdered by Juan Arcadio Buendia and his ghost appears to Jose and Ursula after.
The Separating of the Gold: Jose Arcadio Buendia managed to seperate the gold from the other elements he mixed them with, trying ot make more gold.
The Woman Who Had Her Head Chopped Off 150 Times: It's pretty obvious why this was chosen, how could someones head be chopped off 150 times?

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